How to keep your French Bulldogs calm from the fireworks


How to keep your French Bulldogs calm from the fireworks The 4th of July is here and with it the preparations for this great occasion. But have you already made preparations for your pet? Unlike humans, our furry friends do not enjoy fireworks, some to a greater or lesser extent. The truth is that as […]

Essential Vaccines For French Bulldogs


Essential Vaccines For French Bulldogs No one likes vaccines. Not even dogs. But sadly, we all need them. When people adopt a new dog, sometimes they don’t know what vaccines they need. Sometimes they need to wait until the first trip to the vet. But, if you don’t want to wait, today we have something […]

Types Of French Bulldog Anxiety


Types Of French Bulldog Anxiety If health issues weren’t enough, there are also some common types of french bulldog anxiety. Some of them are so normal that most people never think it is anxiety. However, it might be. It is important that you watch them carefully to see if they are presenting any signs. But, […]

Average Lifespan of a French Bulldog


Average Lifespan of a French Bulldog One of the things that we don’t like to delve in too much is the Average Lifespan of a French Bulldog. Yet, we all need to know it. One great thing about dogs is that even if there is an average lifespan, it can be extended. How? With the […]

Signs your French Bulldog is not Feeling Well


Signs your French Bulldog is not Feeling Well As dog owners or pet owners for that matter, we always worry about our dogs’ health. While most pets have some clear telltale signs of something wrong, some breeds do not. Thankfully, french bulldogs have some signs that might help identify any underlying health issue. Today in […]

Reasons To Walk Your French Bulldog


Reasons To Walk Your French Bulldog When it comes to having a healthy dog, there are a lot of things we can do. One of the best and most common ones is walking them. As you know, french bulldogs are an amazing breed to stay at home all the time. However, that doesn’t mean they […]

Respiratory problems of French Bulldogs


Respiratory problems of French Bulldogs Saddly, Frenchies belong to the brachycephalic group of dogs. This means they have a shorter skull, flattened face, soft palate and short nasal bones. These characteristics are different from the rest of the breeds. Which predisposes French Bulldogs to suffer from certain conditions. So, here we explain the respiratory problems […]

How To Train A French Bulldog


How To Train A French Bulldog So you’ve adopted a french bulldog. You’ve opened the doors for your new friend and are ready to start having fun but wait, not yet. Dogs have raw energy and they need to channel it into other things. Sadly, sometimes these things can be the furniture or something else. […]

Home Remedies For Dry Noses In French Bulldogs


Home Remedies For Dry Noses In French Bulldogs French bulldogs are an amazing breed but a delicate one as well. They need extra care due to the type of breed they are. However, that doesn’t you will be spending a lot of money on the vet for them. Some simple things can be solved at […]

French Bulldog Grooming Tips


French Bulldog Grooming Tips When it comes to French Bulldogs there are a lot of caring tips to look out for. One of them is dog grooming. While a lot of dogs might require the same, French Bulldogs are more delicate. That is why we bring you some french bulldog grooming tips today. Learn how […]