Designer Dog Breeds vs French Bulldogs


Designer Dog Breeds vs French Bulldogs In the world of fancy dogs, you’ll always hear one term: designer dogs. These breeds are well, bred to be fancy. Elegant. They are bred, so you can show them off at contests or when you take them out for a walk in the neighborhood. However, there is another […]

Zootechnic Function of French Bulldogs


Zootechnic Function of French Bulldogs When we adopt a new friend it is only normal that we wonder what else they do besides being our companions. Every single living being in this life has a purpose. Fluffy Frenchie for sale in USA aren’t an exception. Some people just claim that this breed is fragile and […]

What progesterone level should a dog be at to breed?


What progesterone level should a dog be at to breed? One of the resources to determine the timing of successful insemination. To achieve a successful pregnancy, you should know at What progesterone level should a dog be at to breed?. The hormonal fluctuations that occur in the estrous cycle of the dog. Help us determine […]

Best Dog Carriers For French Bulldogs


Best Dog Carriers For French Bulldogs We’ve already talked about how flying can be a big adventure for French bulldogs. Not a good one necessarily. Ideally, our Fluffy Frenchie for sale in Chicago should not fly. However, if you can’t avoid it, then you need a lot of things. First of all, you need a […]

Best French Bulldog Collars


Best French Bulldog Collars When it comes to getting accessories for French bulldogs, there are a lot out there. Yet, one of the most indispensable ones will always be the collar. This isn’t only something that’ll help to keep them safe outside of the house but also, inside believe it or not. However, with all […]

How can I know if my dog is about to give birth?


How can I know if my dog is about to give birth? The countdown has begun. You are between the last days of gestation, and the French bulldog puppies are about to arrive in a few days. At this point, you may be wondering How can I know if my dog is about to give […]

Potty Training Tips


Potty Training Tips If there is one thing that isn’t fun when we get a new dog is training them to go to the bathroom. Potty training can be hard sometimes and it requires a lot of patience. Even if breeders tell you that a dog is obedient, it will depend on a lot of […]

The Value Of A French Bulldog


The Value Of A French Bulldog When people see pictures of French bulldogs, they all love them. Or at least the majority of people. They are a beautiful breed that goes well in any home. Yet, when people hear the price, they get a little bit scared. There are a lot of reasons why the […]

Top Reasons Why French Bulldogs Are Top Dogs


Top Reasons Why French Bulldogs Are Top Dogs A lot of people are always asking about the reasons why French bulldogs are considered so great. Exotic and fancy. Well, truth is that there are a lot of factors that make people look for this breed. And there are some other top reasons why French bulldogs […]

Facts You May Not Know About French Bulldogs


Facts You May Not Know About French Bulldogs Every breed has its mysteries, yet, French bulldogs have a bit more than others. This is a very exotic breed that a lot of people in the US look for. There are even a lot of contests and showings that back this idea up. However, there are […]